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HomeBuy a propertyReal estate purchase agreement

Learn more about Real Estate Purchase Agreement in Vietnam

A Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a property sale. It typically includes details such as the parties involved, property description, purchase price, payment terms, contingencies, and closing date. At Themis Partner, our team of experienced lawyers has crafted a comprehensive Real Estate Purchase Agreement template that complies with the laws and regulations in Vietnam. Our template is provided in an easy-to-edit Word format, allowing you to customize it to suit your specific transaction needs.

Table of contents

What is a Real Estate Purchase Agreement?

A Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a property sale. It is also known as a purchase agreement, purchase contract, or sales agreement. This agreement typically includes crucial details such as the identities of the buyer and seller, a description of the property being sold, the purchase price, any contingencies or conditions that must be met before the sale can be completed, and the timeline for the sale.

Serving as a binding contract between the buyer and seller, the Real Estate Purchase Agreement formalizes the sale of real estate. By clearly specifying each party’s responsibilities and the steps needed to finalize the transaction, it provides legal protection and helps ensure that the sale proceeds smoothly and transparently.

What is included in a Real Estate Purchase Agreement?

These elements may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the sale and any local laws or regulations. A Real Estate Purchase Agreement typically includes the following key elements:

Parties Involved: The full legal names and contact information of the buyer(s) and seller(s).
Property Description: A detailed description of the property being sold, including its address and any specific details that identify the property.
Purchase Price: The agreed-upon purchase price for the property.
Payment Terms: Details regarding how the purchase price will be paid, including any deposits, financing terms, or contingencies related to financing.
Contingencies: Conditions that must be met for the sale to proceed, such as a satisfactory home inspection, appraisal, or the sale of the buyer's current property.
Closing Date: The date on which the sale will be finalized, and ownership of the property will transfer from the seller to the buyer.
Closing Costs: Details regarding which party is responsible for paying closing costs, including fees for title insurance, escrow, and other expenses.
Property Condition: A statement regarding the condition of the property and any warranties or guarantees provided by the seller.
Disclosures: Any required disclosures by the seller regarding the property's condition, history, or any known issues.

When is this agreement required in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, a Real Estate Purchase Agreement is required when buying or selling real estate. This agreement serves as a legally binding contract between the buyer and seller, outlining the terms and conditions of the sale. It is crucial as it helps protect the rights of both parties and ensures that the transaction proceeds smoothly and without disputes.

The Real Estate Purchase Agreement is typically prepared and signed after the buyer and seller have agreed on the basic terms of the sale, including the purchase price and any other relevant conditions. It is advisable to have the agreement reviewed by a legal professional to ensure that it complies with Vietnamese laws and regulations and adequately protects your interests. This step is essential to prevent any legal issues and to ensure a seamless transaction process.

How is a Real Estate Purchase Agreement different from a Lease Agreement?

A Real Estate Purchase Agreement and a Lease Agreement are two different types of contracts used in real estate transactions:

1. Real Estate Purchase Agreement

This agreement is used when buying or selling a property. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, payment terms, contingencies, and closing date. Once signed by both parties, the Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a legally binding contract that obligates the buyer to purchase the property and the seller to sell it according to the agreed-upon terms.

2. Lease Agreement

A Lease Agreement is used when a property owner (landlord) rents out their property to a tenant. This agreement outlines the terms of the lease, including the rent amount, lease duration, security deposit, and responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant. Unlike a Real Estate Purchase Agreement, a Lease Agreement does not transfer ownership of the property. Instead, it establishes a landlord-tenant relationship for the specified lease term.

What happens after the Real Estate Purchase Agreement is signed?

After the Real Estate Purchase Agreement is signed by both parties, several steps typically follow:

Deposit: The buyer may be required to provide an earnest money deposit, which is held in escrow until closing. This deposit shows the buyer's commitment to the purchase.
Due Diligence Period: The buyer may have a period specified in the agreement to conduct inspections, review documents, and finalize financing. If any issues are found, negotiations may take place to address them.
Finalizing Financing: The buyer secures financing for the purchase if it is not a cash transaction. This involves completing the mortgage application process and satisfying any lender requirements.
Title Search and Title Insurance: A title search is conducted to ensure there are no liens or other issues with the title. Title insurance may be purchased to protect the buyer and lender against any unforeseen title defects.
Closing Preparation:The closing agent or attorney prepares the necessary documents, including the deed, transfer tax declarations, and any other required paperwork.
Closing Meeting: The buyer and seller, along with their agents or attorneys, meet to sign the final documents and complete the transaction. The buyer pays the remaining balance of the purchase price, and the seller transfers ownership of the property.
Recording the Deed: After closing, the deed and other relevant documents are recorded with the appropriate government office to officially transfer ownership of the property.
Possession: The buyer takes possession of the property according to the terms of the agreement. This may occur at closing or at a later date agreed upon by both parties.
Post-Closing Matters: After closing, the buyer may need to transfer utilities, update their address, and take other steps related to owning the property.

How long is a Real Estate Purchase Agreement valid for?

The validity period of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement can vary and is typically determined by the terms set forth in the agreement itself. In many cases, the agreement will specify a closing date by which the sale must be completed. This closing date is often used to determine the overall validity period of the agreement.

If the closing date passes without the sale being completed, the agreement may become void unless both parties agree to extend the validity period. Extensions to the validity period can be made through an addendum to the original agreement, which both parties would need to sign.

It’s important for both buyers and sellers to adhere to the timelines specified in the Real Estate Purchase Agreement to avoid potential legal issues. If either party anticipates that they will not be able to meet the deadlines outlined in the agreement, they should communicate with the other party as soon as possible to discuss potential solutions.

Can the terms be changed in Vietnam?

Yes, the terms of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement can be changed in Vietnam, but this requires the mutual consent of both parties involved, the buyer and the seller. Here are the steps and considerations for changing the terms of the agreement:

1. Mutual Agreement: Both parties must agree to the changes. This involves discussing the proposed amendments and ensuring that both sides fully understand and accept the new terms.

2. Written Amendments: Any changes to the agreement should be documented in writing. This ensures clarity and helps avoid future disputes. The written amendments should clearly outline the modifications to the original terms and be signed by both parties.

3. Legal Review: It is advisable for both parties to seek legal advice before making any changes to ensure that the amendments are legally sound and comply with Vietnamese law. This is particularly important for complex transactions or significant changes to the agreement.

4. Notarization: Depending on the nature of the changes and the original agreement, the amended agreement may need to be notarized. Notarization provides legal validation and helps ensure that the changes are recognized by relevant authorities.

5. Registration: If the changes affect the property’s ownership or other significant aspects, the amended agreement may need to be registered with the appropriate government authorities, such as the Land Registration Office. This ensures that the changes are officially recorded and enforceable.

6. Contract Clauses: The original agreement may include specific clauses outlining the procedure for making amendments. It is important to follow these procedures to ensure that the changes are valid and binding.

Do I need a Real Estate Purchase Agreement if I'm selling my property?

Yes, if you are selling your property in Vietnam, having a Real Estate Purchase Agreement is not just advisable; it’s essential. This agreement serves as a crucial legal document that outlines the specifics of the sale, including important details like the purchase price, payment terms, and any conditions that must be met before the sale can be finalized. By having a Real Estate Purchase Agreement in place, you are not only protecting your rights as a seller but also ensuring that both you and the buyer are on the same page regarding the transaction’s terms and conditions.

In Vietnam, a Real Estate Purchase Agreement is often a legal requirement for property sales. This means that having this agreement in place is not just beneficial but also necessary to comply with the law. It provides a clear framework for the sale process, helping to prevent misunderstandings and disputes between the parties involved. In summary, a Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a crucial document that safeguards your interests and ensures a smooth and legally compliant property sale in Vietnam.

What happens if either party breaches the terms in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, if either party breaches the terms of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement, the non-breaching party may have legal remedies available to them. These remedies can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the breach and the terms outlined in the agreement. Some possible remedies for breach of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement in Vietnam may include:

1. Specific Performance

The non-breaching party may seek a court order requiring the breaching party to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. For example, if the buyer breaches the agreement by refusing to complete the purchase, the seller may seek specific performance to force the buyer to complete the sale.

2. Damages

The non-breaching party may seek monetary damages to compensate them for any losses suffered as a result of the breach. The amount of damages awarded will depend on the specific circumstances of the breach and the losses incurred by the non-breaching party.

3. Cancellation of the Agreement

In some cases, the non-breaching party may have the right to cancel the agreement due to the other party’s breach. This may allow the non-breaching party to seek damages or other remedies for the breach.

4. Other Remedies

Depending on the specific terms of the agreement and the nature of the breach, other remedies may be available. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand your rights and options in the event of a breach of a Real Estate Purchase Agreement in Vietnam.

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