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HomeBusiness contractsDistribution Agreement

Learn more about Distribution Agreement in Vietnam

A Distribution Agreement is a legally binding contract between a supplier or manufacturer of goods and a distributor who will sell or distribute those goods. It outlines the terms and conditions of the distribution relationship, including the rights and responsibilities of both parties. At Themis Partner, we offer a professionally drafted Distribution Agreement tailored to the legal requirements in Vietnam. Our agreement is provided in an easy-to-edit Word format, ensuring that it can be customized to suit the specific needs of your distribution arrangement while remaining compliant with Vietnamese law.

Table of contents

What is a Distribution Agreement?

A Distribution Agreement is a legally binding contract between a supplier (often a manufacturer or wholesaler) and a distributor who agrees to market, sell, or distribute the supplier’s products within a specified geographic area or market segment. This agreement defines the terms of the relationship, including the rights and responsibilities of each party. It typically includes provisions related to the scope of the distribution rights, pricing and payment terms, marketing and promotional support, product quality standards, intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, and dispute resolution procedures.

In Vietnam, a Distribution Agreement must comply with the country’s laws and regulations governing commercial contracts. These agreements are often used by businesses to expand their reach into new markets or to efficiently distribute their products through established distribution networks. By clearly outlining the terms of the distribution relationship, a well-drafted Distribution Agreement can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes between the parties involved.

What is included in a Distribution Agreement?

A Distribution Agreement typically includes several key provisions to outline the terms of the distribution relationship. These provisions may vary depending on the nature of the agreement and the parties involved, but they commonly include:

1. Parties

Identification of the supplier (often referred to as the “manufacturer” or “supplier”) and the distributor, including their contact details and legal entities.

2. Scope of Distribution Rights

Specification of the geographic territory or market segment where the distributor has the right to distribute the products. This section may also include any exclusivity arrangements, where the distributor is the sole distributor of the products in the specified territory.

3. Products

Description of the products that are subject to the distribution agreement, including any specifications, models, or variations.

4. Term and Termination

The duration of the agreement and the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement, such as for breach of contract or non-performance.

5. Price and Payment Terms

The pricing structure for the products, including any discounts, rebates, or commissions payable to the distributor. This section also specifies the payment terms, such as the frequency and method of payment.

6. Marketing and Promotion

Obligations of both parties regarding marketing and promotional activities for the products, including any required approvals or coordination.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

Protection of intellectual property rights related to the products, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights.

8. Confidentiality

Obligations of both parties to keep confidential information confidential, including trade secrets, pricing information, and customer lists.

9. Indemnification

Responsibilities of each party for any claims, damages, or losses arising from the distribution of the products.

10. Dispute Resolution

Procedures for resolving disputes between the parties, such as through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. These provisions are intended to protect the interests of both parties and ensure that the distribution relationship is conducted smoothly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

What are the advantages of having a Distribution Agreement?

Having a Distribution Agreement offers several advantages for both the supplier and the distributor.

For the supplier, a Distribution Agreement provides a structured framework for expanding their market reach without having to establish their own distribution network. It allows them to leverage the distributor’s existing infrastructure, expertise, and market knowledge to increase sales and market share.

For the distributor, a Distribution Agreement provides access to a range of products that they can market and sell without the need to develop or manufacture the products themselves. It can also provide exclusivity in a particular geographic area or market segment, giving the distributor a competitive advantage.

A well-drafted Distribution Agreement can help clarify the rights and responsibilities of both parties, reduce the risk of disputes, and provide a solid foundation for a successful distribution relationship.

How are intellectual property rights handled in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, intellectual property rights (IPR) in a Distribution Agreement are typically handled through provisions that protect the supplier’s IP rights related to the products being distributed. These provisions may include:

Ownership: Clarifying that the supplier retains ownership of all intellectual property rights related to the products, including trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets.
License: Granting the distributor a limited, non-exclusive license to use the supplier's intellectual property rights solely for the purpose of distributing the products in the specified territory or market segment.
Restrictions: Imposing restrictions on the distributor's use of the supplier's intellectual property rights, such as prohibiting the distributor from using the IP rights for any purpose other than distributing the products.
Protection: Obligating the distributor to take reasonable measures to protect the supplier's intellectual property rights, including monitoring and reporting any unauthorized use or infringement.
Indemnification: Requiring the distributor to indemnify the supplier against any claims or damages arising from the distributor's use of the supplier's intellectual property rights.
Termination: Specifying that the distributor's license to use the supplier's intellectual property rights terminates upon the expiration or termination of the Distribution Agreement.

These provisions are intended to protect the supplier’s intellectual property rights and ensure that they are not misused or infringed upon by the distributor.

What is the difference between Supply and Distribution Agreement?

A Supply Agreement and a Distribution Agreement are two distinct types of contracts that govern different aspects of the relationship between a supplier and a distributor.

1. Supply Agreement

A Supply Agreement is a contract between a supplier and a buyer that outlines the terms and conditions under which the supplier will provide goods or services to the buyer. The key focus of a Supply Agreement is on the supply of goods or services, including specifications, pricing, delivery terms, and payment terms. This type of agreement is typically used when the supplier is selling directly to the end customer or when there is no intermediary involved in the distribution process.

2. Distribution Agreement

A Distribution Agreement is a contract between a supplier and a distributor that governs the distribution of goods or services to end customers. The key focus of a Distribution Agreement is on the distribution of goods or services, including the rights and obligations of the supplier and the distributor, territorial restrictions, pricing, marketing, and promotion. This type of agreement is used when the supplier wants to expand its market reach by using distributors to sell its products to customers.

Are there any restrictions on the territory covered by a Distribution Agreement?

Yes, there can be restrictions on the territory covered by a Distribution Agreement. These restrictions are typically outlined in the agreement and may include:

Exclusive Territory: The distributor may be granted exclusive rights to distribute the supplier's products in a specific geographic area, meaning that no other distributors or the supplier itself can sell the products in that territory.
Non-Exclusive Territory: The distributor may be granted non-exclusive rights to distribute the supplier's products in a specific geographic area, allowing the supplier to appoint other distributors or sell the products directly in that territory.
Restricted Territory: The agreement may specify certain territories where the distributor is not allowed to sell the supplier's products, either due to existing distribution agreements or strategic reasons.
Expansion Rights: The agreement may include provisions for the distributor to expand its territory under certain conditions, such as meeting sales targets or obtaining approval from the supplier.

These territory restrictions are important for both parties to clarify the geographic scope of the distribution arrangement and avoid conflicts with other distributors or the supplier’s own sales efforts.

What happens if there is a breach of contract in a Distribution Agreement?

If there is a breach of contract in a Distribution Agreement, the non-breaching party may take legal action to enforce the terms of the agreement and seek remedies for the breach. The specific actions that can be taken depend on the nature and severity of the breach, as well as the terms of the agreement. Some common remedies for breach of contract in a Distribution Agreement may include:

1. Damages: The non-breaching party may seek monetary damages to compensate for any losses suffered as a result of the breach. These damages are typically intended to put the non-breaching party in the position they would have been in if the breach had not occurred.

2. Specific Performance: In some cases, the non-breaching party may seek a court order requiring the breaching party to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. This remedy is typically sought when monetary damages are not sufficient to remedy the breach.

3. Termination: The non-breaching party may have the right to terminate the agreement if the breach is significant or if the breaching party fails to remedy the breach within a specified period of time.

4. Injunction: The non-breaching party may seek an injunction to prevent the breaching party from continuing to breach the agreement, such as by selling products outside of the agreed-upon territory.

How do you terminate a Distribution Agreement?

A Distribution Agreement can typically be terminated in several ways, depending on the terms of the agreement and the circumstances of the termination. Some common methods of terminating a Distribution Agreement include:

1. Expiration of Term

The agreement may specify a fixed term, after which it will automatically terminate unless renewed by both parties.

2. Mutual Agreement

Both parties may agree to terminate the agreement before the expiration of the term. This is often done through a written agreement signed by both parties.

3. Breach of Contract

If one party breaches the terms of the agreement, the other party may have the right to terminate the agreement. However, the non-breaching party should follow the termination procedures outlined in the agreement to avoid potential legal disputes.

4. Notice of Termination

The agreement may require one party to provide written notice to the other party of their intention to terminate the agreement. The notice period is typically specified in the agreement.

5. Force Majeure

In certain circumstances, such as natural disasters or other unforeseen events, the agreement may be terminated if performance becomes impossible or impractical.

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